Pommes et poires

Auguste Renoir
Pommes et poires
vers 1895
huile sur toile
H. 32 ; L. 41 cm avec cadre H. 53,5 ; L. 62,7 cm
© GrandPalaisRmn (musée d'Orsay) / Herve Lewandowski
Auguste Renoir
Pommes et poires
vers 1895
huile sur toile
H. 32 ; L. 41 cm avec cadre H. 53,5 ; L. 62,7 cm
© GrandPalaisRmn (musée de l'Orangerie) / Franck Raux
Auguste Renoir (1841 - 1919)

This still life is one of Renoir's works that shows the greatest influence of Paul Cézanne (1839-1906), both due to its subject and its highly intricate composition. Indeed, the arrangement of the tablecloth with its skilfully formed creases is the result of great consideration. The tablecloth appears to represent a tide assailing the bowl of fruit. The bowl seems to be delicately balanced on the edge of the table. Renoir wanted to represent a composition full of movement rather than static objects.
The colours themselves bring the painting to life. The white tablecloth and bowl stand out from the green and brown background, which is echoed in the warm tones of the fruits. The blue border of the bowl evokes the shadows of the creases. The apples and pears are placed one on top of the other in the bowl, but could be easily confused due to their similar yellow colour.
Here we can clearly see Renoir's ability to draw the full advantage from a still life. A great deal of research is concealed behind this apparent simplicity. Renoir was able to try his hand at multiple variations using different objects and fruits. Indeed, there are three other known still lifes by Renoir that resemble this one.

Artwork not currently exhibited in the museum